Monday, March 30, 2009

I jing, you jing, we all jing-a-ling

This resource would be useful for demonstration videos on how to use the various e-databases, especially for long-distance learners who won't be able to come in for the BI presentation(s).

For nature & glass lovers: This past weekend I traveled to Phoenix to the Desert Botanical Garden to see the following fabulous exhibit of Chihuly glass. (see the Jing image link below)

The link for the Chihuly show at the Desert Botanical Garden is:

Monday, March 23, 2009


Post a reflection on your blog responding to the following: Can you think of any way that we might use Flickr at the Pollak Library? More generally, perhaps there is some way we could use images to communicate important information about us or our collection to our community. What are your thoughts?

I think Cathy Kaye's idea of posting photos for course reserves is a good one. Perhaps some of Special Collections or Oral History since these depts have so many interesting items.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Can you think of any way that using RSS feeds might help the Pollak Library communicate with our community? Is there some way that we can use RSS feeds collectively to help us serve our patrons better? What are your thoughts? Was this useful? An RSS feed to patrons would let them know about our changing schedules for each semester and for midterms/finals weeks. Also to let them know when the beginning semester "general" BI's are offered. By subscribing RSS feed from the Library's site, I discovered info about new databases that I never would have encountered otherwise.

Friday, March 13, 2009

What are your initial thoughts about using "Library 2.0" technology?

What are your initial thoughts about using "Library 2.0" technology? At this point, can you think of anything new or different we might do either behind the scenes or in public service?

I've learned quite a few interesting things in the past few lessons. The world is changing and we need to be flexible and play well with others, especially sharing information and technology. Since I don't work in public service, I can't address this subject. But I believe the more of our items in special collections that we digitized and put out for public display and use, the more we will make our library a more viable and needed resource in the larger world of knowledge.